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Tag T-shirt Design Tips

Printing Techniques and Craftsmanship: Exploring Various Methods in T-shirt Printing

T-shirt printing is an art that integrates creativity with technology. Whether for the garment industry or a t-shirt designer like you, it's an indispensable part of modern fashion. But as can be imagined, this field changes as rapidly as seasons--entrepreneurs a re always on hand to offer some kind new means for making a new look. Of the ready-to-print types someday, an understanding of these various processes is born also changes ye kind of mon...
David Sowell Wednesday 15 May, 2024
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Artist Brynn Bernard Talks About Her Journey with Print-on-Demand T-Shirts

Welcome to TEEHUB.COM's artist interview series! Today, we are excited to feature one of our talented artists, Brynn Bernard. She will share her experiences and insights into designing and selling print-on-demand T-shirts, along with a richer backstory about her artistic journey.Q: Brynn, how did your artistic journey begin?Brynn: I started getting into art at a very young age. I was surrounded by creativity: my mom was a painter and my dad was a...
David Sowell Tuesday 14 May, 2024
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